The inclusion of the Metric field provides a powerful new capability for scenario planning. Metrics are used to capture numeric data that can be applied as part of the evaluation framework (as decision criteria) or tracked separately as an external measure across the Portfolio (single or multi-time period).
Metrics provide additional quantitative metadata for alternatives that can be analyzed based on resource allocation decisions
Metrics can be chosen to include as part of the decision or as a separate external measure
Metrics provide a new layer of insight for performance of the key indicators beyond Portfolio Value
Metrics as Quantitative Decision Criteria
When a criterion is assigned a quantitative scale by which to rate, a corresponding metric is created in the decision structure
Data can either be imported via Excel or entered manually by Portfolio Owners in the Collect Ratings screen.
Any edits to the name or description will change in both the criteria and the Metric
If user changes to a qualitative scale the Metric field will be deleted along with any data that may have been entered. This is also true of deleting a Metric, this action cannot be reversed.
Adding a Metric as a Criterion
Metrics can be added from the Define Alternatives screen by clicking on the Customize Fields button.
Select the Metric field from the palette on the right to add it to the data structure. User can drag and drop to position the Metric
When a Metric field is added the user will be notified that the metric can be used in the Criteria Tree (if desired).
A section for Available Metrics will display on the bottom left of the screen
Metrics can get assigned rating scales for evaluation as with other criterion and must use quantitative scales
NOTE: Removal of the Metric from the criteria tree will not delete the Metric field but simply will not use as part of the decision