The below guides users through completing the registration process in Decision Lens once an administrator has added him or her to an instance or portfolio. It also helps administrators identify how to initiate the registration process.

The admin first clicks add user and then enters the email address(es) of the user(s) and assigns the user role(s). By clicking "Add Users" this triggers an email send to the new user(s) so that they can complete registration.

The user(s) receive the email to register, click "Register and Get Started!" and are directed to the profile landing page. The user(s) register themselves from this landing page entering their password, first name, and last name. Clicking on "Save" will redirect the user to log-in to Decision Lens. They lastly receive a welcome email from Decision Lens that gives them important information about Decision Lens University, the Decision Lens Support portal, and additional information about our main website.