How to Import Ratings Data
Use the Import Wizard to add Ratings Data to your portfolio Includes: Criteria, Descriptions, and Ratings for Individual Participants.
Launch the Import Wizard from the Portfolio Overview and select the “Ratings” Tile from the first tab of the Wizard
In order to see the Ratings Tile and to import Ratings, you must have:
- At least one Criterion in the portfolio
- At least one Rating Scale for a Criterion in the portfolio
- At least one Alternative in the portfolio
- At least one Voter within the portfolio
Once “Ratings” has been selected as the import type, select the Next button or the Select File tab to proceed with the import.
Step 1 Select File - .xls or .xlsx files only
Step 2 Select Worksheet
- By default, the worksheet that was saved with the selected file will be chosen
- Change the worksheet from the dropdown. Once you select a new worksheet, the preview will update
Step 3 Select Headers Row - Selecting the ”Headers Row” tells the Import Wizard where your data begins
Step 4 Select Alternatives Column - From the preview, select the column that contains your Alternative Names
Before mapping fields, select the Voter that the Ratings should be applied to
- Only Voters with Ratings enabled will display in the dropdown and can be selected
- Once a Voter is selected, a green checkmark will display to confirm the step is complete
To complete the Map Fields screen, select the columns in the spreadsheet that contain the Ratings Data. Map the selected columns for import to the appropriate Criterion in the portfolio
- Only criteria that have been assigned to the Voter will display
- Both the verbal and numeric value for a rating option can be imported
NOTE: When importing Quantitative Ratings Data. Mapping a column to a quantitative criterion within the portfolio will not display the mapping section for rating values. All quantitative values will be automatically accepted and imported
- Only numeric data can be imported for a quantitative criterion. If non-numeric data is found, the column will need to be de-selected for import or mapped to a qualitative criterion

How to resolve unknown ratings
- Ratings that do not match those defined within the scale for the Criterion need to be manually mapped
- Empty cells or cells with “-” will be automatically mapped to the “Clear Vote” option. Importing a blank cell or cell with “-” will clear ratings that previously existed

To advance to the Review Tab:
- All columns selected for import must be mapped to a criterion
- All ratings that could not be automatically mapped from the spreadsheet to a rating value for the criterion must be mapped
- The Review Tab enables Owners to review all data that has been mapped prior to importing
- All empty cells or cells with “-” with show as ”Clear Rating” in the Review Tab

Select “Import Now” to import the Ratings data.
Once the import is complete, you will be automatically directed to the Finish Tab where you can view your import summary
Ratings Import Summary
- Notes which Voter the ratings were applied to
- Notes total number of Ratings updated
- Noes total number of Ratings cleared
- Select to begin a new import with the same spreadsheet or begin a new import with a different spreadsheet
If done importing data, close the import wizard and return to the Portfolio View.
- Import Templates.xlsx (40 KB)