Schedule Page Value Tab

You can now see the plan impacts of key performance metrics changes, in real time.

A second tab has been added to the Schedule Page to enable a deeper focus on each plans value overall as well as within each metric that has been mapped to value. 

As the timing and status of projects are adjusted in the Gantt view, the metrics at the top of the tab will update live to reveal the impacts on key performance metrics. 


The tab is broken into two main portions and operates off the date range in the top right of the page. 

The top half of the tab displays the metric value as well as a chart for every metric that has been mapped to Value in the Framework page. The metric data displayed represents the sum of all funded projects (Scheduled, In Progress, Completed)

Selecting a metric will open a bar graph which categories all funded projects into 5 levels of value to show the amount of resources being allocated to each level of value ranging from Very Low to Very High. 


The dark green bar always represents what is better for the Value Field (higher values or lower values) selected. This can be set and adjusted in the fields settings on the Projects Page.

Hover over a bar to see the number of projects contributing to that level of value and select the bar to see those projects highlighted in the gantt chart below.


The Overall Bar Chart will always display first and is an aggregate of all fields that have been mapped to Value in the portfolio.

Use this chart to understand the amount of resources being allocated to each level of value overall within the plan. 

Select a bar in this chart to highlight the projects contributing to it and to get a sense of the value they are bringing the plan overall across all value fields. 


The lower portion of the Value Tab represents the plans schedule and shows you where your valuable projects are scheduled. 

Gantt bars are colored by the level of value the project is bringing the plan and based on the Value Field selected in the top portion of the tab. 


Select a funded project to quickly move it to Backlog or Outside the Planning Window. Select an unfunded project to quickly move it to Scheduled or Outside the Planning window.

Hover over a bar to reveal a summary of project details including Name, Allocation, Start Date, End Date and Level of Value.

Use the Sort Menu or Filter Menu to adjust the projects driving the value data. As filters are applied, the value metrics and data will update live to understand the amount of value being received among certain statuses, categories, etc. 
