Requesting Ideas

Use the Request Ideas form to enable people within your organization to self-register and quickly add and manage projects within your portfolio.

Portfolio Owners can access the Request Idea Configuration Page through the Actions menu. 


Clicking this link will take users to the Request Ideas Page to configure the form components.  The right side of the page displays the fields that will be included as part of the Idea Request Form.  The left side of the page displays the fields in the Portfolio that are not included in the form.  By Default, only Project Name is included in the form and is required to be included.  All other Portfolio Fields are optional for inclusion. Fields can be added and arranged by dragging and dropping to designate inclusion in the form as well as order of appearance on the Form.   

Use the 'Add All' link as a quick way to add all portfolio fields to the form in cases where the majority of portfolio fields should be added. You can then drag the fields that should not be included to the left, 'Not Included' section. 

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Field Permissions

Once fields are added to the form, set if they should be optional, required or view only. 

  • Optional: Field can be edited but is not required for submission
  • Required: Field can be edited and must have data prior to submission
  • View Only: Data within field cannot be edited

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Project Name will always be required at a minimum.  When a field(s) is required, Contributors can leave blank while still in Draft Status, but Ideas cannot be submitted for review until all required fields are completed (ie not left blank).  After submission, all Fields can be edited without required constraints.  

Field permissions within Request Ideas apply to all Contributors and people that use the Request Ideas link to submit projects. 

Cost Table in Request Ideas

Cost Fields are combined into a single form entity titled “Cost Table” to include and order as desired. 

  • When the Cost Table is added to the Request Ideas form, Portfolio Owners can specify a Time Range for where project costs should be entered. This helps Contributors know which years or months costs should be entered for. ​
    • To apply a Time Range, select the pencil icon on the Cost Table field after it has been added to the Request Ideas Form. ​
    • From the Edit Cost Table modal, add Instructions for Contributors to see for the Cost Table and adjust the Time Range (optional). ​
    • Select the “Set Default” link to set a Time Range. This will create columns for each of the years or months added within the Time Range set. ​
    • Select “Apply” and then “Done” to save the changes. ​
  • Note: The Time Range set for the Cost Table will only impact the Cost Table in the Request Ideas form and will not impact the Cost Table within the Project Details View. ​
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Field Description

Any Description added for a Field will display as Instructions to users.  These descriptions can be edited by clicking on the Edit icon of an associated Field to bring up a dialog to edit Field metadata. 


Invite People to Submit Projects with the Request Ideas Link

As an owner of the Idea Engine Form, you can obtain a link to the form by selecting the Share button at the top of the Request Ideas Page. Copy the link and send it to the people that should be tasked with adding projects to the portfolio.


The link can be sent in an email from Decision Lens from the People Page. Select the Edit link within the green ribbon titled "Portfolio is open for edits and submissions by Contributors" and select to send Email Notification. The email template will be pre populated can be modified to remove any people that should not receive an email notification. Modify the subject or email contents and select 'Send' when ready. 


Once the email is sent, decide if you want portfolio users to see a collection indicator, signaling that the portfolio is open for collection for Contributors. 

Use the checkbox titled "Show Indicator" to do this. The indicator will display by default but can be turned off if you don't have a need to display it or are not using Request Ideas. 

Once people receive the link from the Request Ideas form, they will be able to self register for Decision Lens and will be added to the portfolio as a Contributor. As long as collection is open, they will be able to add projects and manage data for them. 

Close Collection for Contributors

Portfolio Owners can close collection for Contributors from the People Page. Use the open/close toggle within the Edit section of the green collection ribbon to close collection. 

Select the 'Send Email Notification' button to notify necessary people that collection to the portfolio is now closed. Once collection is closed, Portfolio Contributors will no longer be able to add projects or manage data for any of their existing projects. They will still be access to view any projects that have permissions for. 


Use the 'show indicator' checkbox to either show or hide a 'Closed' label on the portfolio, indicating the portfolio has been closed for edits and new project submissions for Contributors.