1.33.2 Release Notes (July 11, 2024)

Decision Lens Accelerate

Features Added 

  • Import Cost Data with Unique Identifier: When importing cost amounts, you can now import the data based off a unique identifier rather than the Projects column.  
  • Contributor View Permissions: When setting up the Request Ideas form, for each field, set if it should be optional, required, or view only. These permissions apply at the field level and to all Contributors and people that use the Request Ideas link to submit projects to a portfolio.  
  • Improved performance to only load project field data for the columns displayed or that could be used in filtering. 

Bugs Fixed 

  • Pasting name and email together in the quotes and angle brackets style fails to send invite 
  • Pod import fails with spend plan formula field is imported into a non-spend plan portfolio 
  • Importing into duplicate data entries should update all appearances of that entry 
  • Spend Plan Cost Fields display as Permission options when Spend Plan is not enabled 
  • Formula Fields should not be listed in Participant Field Permissions 
  • Budget Availability Not Recalculating After Deleting Cost Field from Portfolio with Budget by Project Category 
  • Importing into duplicate data entries should update all values with the same name in the spreadsheet file 
  • Pod import taking too long 
  • Import Steps: “Confirm Projects Column” step is incorrectly numbered as 1 when it should be 3 
  • Updating Cost data while sorted or filtered in Manage Costs updates the wrong cost 
  • Deleting Projects does not remove allocations