Decision Lens Accelerate
Features Added
Reorder Cost Fields
Set the order Cost Fields display in from the new ‘order’ column on the Manage Costs
page. This order will carry forward across visualizations, cost tables and the Budgets
Cost Adjusted Value Score
Add this new metric into your Score, Projects, Budgets or Spend Plan pages to understand which projects are bringing you the most ‘bang for buck’ in your portfolio.
Cost Adjusted Value Score can be turned on in the Score Page from the ‘Add-on’s’ section in the settings panel and added to the Value Score Chart as another way to visualize your data, from the Value Score Chart’s column header.
From Find Projects in Strategy Navigator, sort projects by Cost Adjusted Value Score to quickly find those bringing you the greatest bang for buck so you can quickly add them into your plan.
Set field data type prior to import
For new fields, Portfolio Owners can set the data type from the Preview step, prior to
importing data to ensure the field will be created with the desired data type (text,
numeric, category, date or cost)
Contributor Activity Log
Portfolio Contributors can now see all activity updates pertaining to the projects and
fields they have permissions to in one place from their Project or Spend Plan pages.
Default new fields to No (Other) field dimension
Performance Improvements
We have made a few notable improvements to portfolio performance to improve load times for larger portfolios when navigating to the Projects, Score, Budgets or Spend Plan pages.
Performance has also been improved in Column Settings to make overall usability and speed a better experience.
Bugs Fixed
Contributor form takes a long time to load
Empty State Displays before Page load when entering or refreshing the Contributors view
Gantt Bar Hover tooltip has "Request" and "Allocated" switched
Value Score columns are not impacted sometimes when changing Score Weights
Loading more than 1000 projects lands user midway down the page on page load
View Filters link for time period columns does not open filter
Pod does not contain info about isOverallRankEnabled
Performance: For portfolios with lots of fields, dragging fields quickly in the Idea Configuration
form can cause a server error
Planned - Executed Column is not Sorting
Participant with category permission can not add project details for new project
Custom Name is not carried forward to Page Title
Contributor Table allows for extra vertical and horizontal scrolling
DLX Import fails due to fields coming in as NULL in the .pod file