Decision Lens Accelerate
Features Added
- Custom Statuses: The Settings, Status page has been updated to categorize statuses into 3 groupings: Collection, Unfunded, Funded. Customize statuses by adding new ones or renaming those added by default. Change each statuses color to customize it to your organizations needs and reorder statuses to display in a particular order within the status dropdown.
- Formula Field: A new formula data type has been added to enable Portfolio Owners to create formulas based on a variety of operators: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide or Days Between.
- Find Projects: A new capability within Strategy Navigator enabling you to find projects based on a status or category.
- Duplicate Portfolio: Copy a portfolio when doing year over year planning to bring the elements that should be retained for next years planning. Duplicating a portfolio enables you to bring a combination of the portfolios: Projects, Fields, People, and Comments.
- Percentage Format: A new display setting has been added for numeric fields so that you can view data formatted as a percentage in addition to the numeric and currency options.
- Hide/Show column from column header: Select the dropdown arrow from a fields header to quickly hide it, open column settings or access filters (on Budgets and Score Pages)
- Contributor Empty State: Onboarding for Contributors has been improved. A new empty state will instruct them to Add Projects when they don't have any in their Projects Page.
Bugs Fixed
- Help icon is not working when pendo is disabled
- Permissions view does not show view title for non-Owners
- Importing numeric data that starts with zero should be mapped to a Text Data type
- Importing Text and Dates gives unexpected results
- Login issues with users in inactive Group
- DLC reindex API is throwing exception
- Unable to add project status from Add Project form
- DLI unresponsive after running for a week in test instance
- Last Project is out of view when filtered on Contributors projects view
- Deleting a Cost field or changing its type causes incorrect Total Allocated and Total Request amounts
- Spend Plan Edit Permissions Not Working with Category based permissions
- Import Template Opens to the Wrong Page
- Swagger code is broken on master
- Field Description Not Displaying When Hovering Over Field Title in Projects View
- Legacy Scheduled Status is the Wrong Color
- Unable to add a correct user to a DLC portfolio when the username is not an email.
- Fields API errors after remapping Project Field