Decision Lens Accelerate
Bugs Fixed
- Hitting tab key after entering a value in a date\tag field causes table header to not by in sync
- Permissions Button Count incorrect when adding and removing people
- Removing costs from locked projects should not be allowed
- Wrong Field Type for Costs in framework page
- Logo Navigation Menu has incorrect styling
- Text Field Areas do not auto expand to display all content
- Click Vertical Axis (Number of Row) on Budgets Page - in single budget mode, normal starts a row multi-select
- Schedule view does not show normal dependency icons, only broken ones
- Decision Lens Accelerate .pod file export is exporting as a .txt file
- Combined Portfolios 3 dot menu shows a green dot for Viewers and the export menu is misaligned
- Project Total and Totals row does not update after Budget is deleted
- Admin Console Export Has Missing Last Updated Data in Portfolios Sheet
- Filter panel UI is no longer aligned properly
- Score page empty state close button has changed positions
- User status in add people to portfolio is not correct
- New Comments Indicator is Misplaced
- Import template download icon and link not aligned
- A participant can add a Contributor to a Project he has no rights on
- Values on Request and Allocated time based columns are shown only after refresh after being added to the table
- Column Settings modal shows "Saving" and "Saved" states after project edits
- Manage Framework shows "(number) New"
- Email parsing not working within a portfolio
- Importing requests as 0’s does not populate 0’s on Budgets
- Ellipsesed Column Headers do not show full title on hover
- Limit the number of shards in Open Search to 1 instead of 5
- Dependency icon does not redirect to the Projects Details Modal in Spend Plan
- DLI is not responding after couple of days