Decision Lens Accelerate
Features Added
- Lock Project Updates: We have updated the “lock” feature for a project so that when a project is locked, data changes for that project cannot be made. Only Owners can unlock a project.
- Rank Field: New field enabling you to rank projects without ties. Ranks will automatically cascade as they are updated.
- Email Configuration Options
- Updated language when there are no comments on the Comments Tab in My Plans.
- Duplicate Custom Names: Use a single term for a custom name across custom name categories.
- Remap username when email is not used as username
Bugs Fixed
- Sorting by Status on Projects and Budget shows a different order
- Export menu options not showing correctly for time dependent pages
- Performance: Spreadsheet budgets import about 30% slower as of mid-May
- Score Export for Projects with a 0 score shows as blank
- Meta Tag noindex
- Import fails with unknown Budgets Field Header
- Gantt Chart: Expand icon while hovering on Project name and Dependency Icons are no longer present
- Duplicate loading animation when exporting from Portfolio header
- Activity log API call fails with 403 after deleting a project from the portfolio
- Modified Column Moves after Import
- Error when downloading report in Decision Lens Classic
- Decision Lens Classic re-index API fails with access denied error
- Display name of the Decision Lens Accelerate user is overwritten incorrectly.
- Project details header and star rating spacing and focus style
- Participant Search Error when Spend Plan is On