Decision Lens Accelerate
Features Added
- Add Costs to Projects Without Costs from Budgets: When a Project does not yet have costs, use the More Menu next to the Project name to add Budgets to the Project. This provides a quicker way to add costs to Projects from the Budgets Page.
- Enhanced Data Formatting: For Numeric and Cost fields, select if numbers should display as currency or numbers, set the decimal precision and set how negative numbers should display.
Bugs Fixed
- Sorting on Contributor Projects Table is not Saved.
- Clicking on Email link for Comment Notification doesn't open Comment Panel.
- Server Error for Contributor Filtered Data Project Export.
- Request is gray in Spend Plan Column Settings.
- Add Value Field missing Min/Max and graph line.
- Participants can edit sections in Edit Field modal.
- Scoring Filter Tab Tags - Random Order.
- Reset filters link visible when default filter already applied in certain cases.
- Integration: Creating a DLX portfolio from a DLC one doesn't send value scores.
- Converting Text Field to Value or Risk accepts the change but doesn't convert to numeric.
- Fix: Sluggish data updates after slider drag in 10K project portfolio.
- Score missing when switching Balance/No and back to Value/Risk after value assignation.
- Spend Plan: Showing a column boosts project count by one and makes it incorrect.
- New tags are not applied to projects when "Outside of Date Range" is unchecked.
- A warning popover is shown in VCRB Framework when converting a Category-Other-Text field to a Value or Risk dimension.
- Multi Column Move is not working.
- Import fails with unrecognized Cost Name.
- Secondary Sort not working on Projects table.
- Collaboration highlight on project name cell prevents action menu from working.