1.28 Release Notes (June 3, 2022)

Decision Lens Accelerate


 Features Added 

  • Scoring: We have added a new Score page to help Portfolio Owners get a defensible, transparent 1-N list of priorities to ensure they are always ready to fund or resource the next most important priority. This page allows them to modify the weights of Value Fields, adjust the Date Range and Filters to narrow down the timeframe and set of projects being prioritized and instantly see impacts to each Project’s Value Score as data is modified. 
  • Updated the description of what the Draft status means for a Project. 
  • Updated the Welcome Email that new Decision Lens registrants receive. 
  • Selecting to Log In from an email generated by Decision Lens, will direct you to the Login Page rather than Homepage in the event of multiple entitlements. 
  • Date Range Updates: The Date Range selector that is located on most pages within a portfolio in the top right corner has been updated to include the options to filter “Within Date Range” or “Outside of Date Range”. These options were previously located in the Filter Panel. We will now automatically show all projects, both within and outside of the Date Range and enable you to adjust filters from there. 
  • Category Display Order: For Category Fields, select how the category options will display: in Default Order or Alphabetically. This order will affect how options display on pages like Projects and the Intake Engine Form. 
  • Filter Panel Updates: We have updated the Filter Panel that appears on the Budgets, Schedule and Spend Plan pages to include more statuses to filter by and changed the default behavior to have it open when coming to a page. 
  • Allow for custom Column Widths on the Add Cost Modal 

 Bugs Fixed 

  • Spend Plan visualization does not consistently honor filtering 
  • Updating Allocations with no requests does not update End Dates correctly 
  • Scoring missing when converting from Category-No-Text to Category-Value/Risk-Text in VCRB Framework 
  • Draft Attachment submission showing in Activity Log. 
  • Warning of data loss when mapping Star Category Other Field to Value 
  • Incorrect Cell treatment when filtering down to a single budget in Budgets page 
  • Importing Categories with Blanks does not allow for changing of field type post import 
  • Project Details Modal uses a multi-line input for Numeric/Other fields, doesn't provide input validation 
  • Extraneous Activity Log item for Cost changes