Decision Lens Accelerate
Bugs Fixed
- Cost table header in project details has incorrect header
- Export Filtered Budget Data is off by one Fiscal Year
- Ranking is wrong if the checkbox (Projects Outside of Date Range) is selected
- Pod files exported from a portfolio with attachments can't be imported
- Allocated total values are not refreshed when a project moves from an in status to an out status and vice versa
- Improve Strat Nav recommendations performance
- Importing large pod files sometimes fails
- Some fields ( other & numeric & special name) will be renamed when sending data trough AHP into DLC
- DLX custom statuses not showing up in DLC
- messaging-service memory leak
- Performance: Cached grading universe is being evicted unnecessarily, causing grades to take much longer to load
- Budgets in the Budgets Availability chart ordered incorrectly
- Incorrect Balance Category order in the Summary charts
Features Added
- Overall Rank: Gives Owners and Participants insight into a plans top projects based off data mapped to Value, Cost or Risk. It can be used to help in decision making to get a 1-N list when determining which projects to fund within a plan.
- Budgets Page Column Settings: Enables Owners and Participants to select the columns they want displayed in the bottom table of the Budgets Page. Previously, this was handled through the Filter & Configure panel.
- Duplicate Project: Owners, Participants and Contributors can duplicate a project to easily replicate its contents to a new project that can be renamed.