Decision Lens Accelerate
Bugs Fixed
- Custom Statuses not showing the custom names when sending data to DLC from Edit AHP Type Field
- Projects table: Sorting by Start and End does not work
- Decision Lens Accelerate: Shut down instances are still accessible from auth-service
- Decision Lens Accelerate: Idea Engine URL inaccessible if first user has no DLI entitlement
- Sending Data to DLC when a field was changed from "Category" to "Text"
- Adding a new project and setting the a tag together with start/end for the project breaks the modal
- Strategy Navigator recommendations not providing any recommendations to improve cost grade
- Bottleneck Analysis Leaving Too Much Money
- Contributor Form Status Custom Name not Updating
- Configure callback token url for authvalidator-service
- Open project from dependency in the same tab
- Schedule Value tab shows zero Value totals for time frames that don't include any budget
Features Added
- Spend Plan: Instantly see if expenditures are ahead or behind schedule by tracking the planned and obligated spend amounts on projects in an execution year.
- Project Dependencies: New project dependency options help you identify when a projects funding is dependent on another project.
- Show or Hide Plan Grades: You can now choose to show, or hide, your plans grades in your summary or schedule views.
- Allow custom usernames for some customers