Decision Lens Accelerate
Bugs Fixed
- Current FY should be displayed by default in portfolios
- Budget filtering does not apply to heatmap
- Gantt bars do not load for large portfolios
- DLX: Cannot add Contributors to Project if User is not in corresponding DLC instance & DLC AHP portfolio
- Heat maps show unexpected sets of FYs
- Regression: SSO customers app usage does not reset DLI inactivity
- Grading throws exception when no values are maintained for value field
- DLX: Error message when trying to access DLX portfolio & linked DLC AHP portfolio has been unlinked
- Clicking Create Accelerate Schedule in DLC or adding /dlx in the URL is returning a 500 server error
Features Added
- Select Field Data Type: We have modified the way a project field is created to give more flexibility in the types of fields you can create. Select the data type for a field and then choose if it should be mapped to a portfolio dimension (when applicable). This allows Category, 1-5 Star Rating and Numeric fields to be created without being mapped to Value, Cost Risk or Balance.
- Ability to do a secondary sort within the Projects Table