Decision Lens Accelerate
Bugs Fixed
- Inconsistent Differences between Schedule Total and Individual Time Period
- Tags field does not change order in Project Details modal when re-ordering Tags column
- DLX: Cost Import Error stops the import completely with non-numeric 'N/A' value present
- Risk Recommendations suggests removing down to 10% of budget
- Can't use a Draft project in What-if plans so that everyone has the same universe
- Draft project not disabled for a Viewer on a what-if plan
- Permissions errors when multiple portfolios modify Participant access to fields or projects at the same time
- What-if plans should always be graded as if they have baseline budgets
Features Added
- Budgets as Plan level Data: Ability to adjust Budgets for each What-If Plan rather than setting one budget for all plans within the Baseline Plan.
- DLX Attachments - Added capability to add attachments to a project or Draft idea through the Idea Engine.
- Updates to Participant and Contributor Role: Addressed a few usability issues with copy changes and addressed a few issues when adding participants and contributors to projects.