Decision Lens Accelerate
Features Added
- Idea Link Regeneration
- Required Fields for Idea Engine
- Increase Threshold for Description Field to 2000 characters
Bugs Fixed
- Filtering after unused Tag
- Tags Column position in Projects and Schedule
- Assigning Tag from Upper Tag Suggestion
- Suggestion panel is not visible into add projects modal
- In project details and field modal tag component does not close when a tag is selected and ENTER is pressed
- 4 issues caught by Visual tests in SR4 RC testing
- Default Tag Column too narrow
- Submitted Ideas require hard refresh to display
- Unable to add projects in Add Projects modal when apply new Tag created in Manage Tags modal
- Add tooltip for add category button in manage tags modal
Refactorings Completed
- Update Field and Project/FieldValue tagIds data type to an array instead of string
Vulnerabilities Addressed
- Sysadmin authorization token portability
Decision Lens Classic
Bugs Fixed
- DLC doesn't allow > 10 decimal places in Rating Scales
- Copy/Paste cost data from one column to another in Alts page doesn't work
- Rating Name edits not saved
- Rating Scale logic is incorrect after setting qualitative scale
- Add Rating Scale report to Criteria & Rating Scales page