1.18 Release (May 3, 2018)


Bugs Fixed:

  • Alternatives number in portfolio overview

  • Edge error on Criteria\Alternative\Participants (Self Hosted)

  • Scenario Overview Loads Slow in IE

  • Screen Flickers in Scenario Overview when Hovering over Alternatives

  • Unable to Unhide Tasks from Homepage

  • Choose Dependency type alignment in IE11

  • Gantt View in Scenario Overview not Printing

  • Show More Link doesn’t work for Reviewers

  • Show More link not working on Long Text Fields

  • Wootric is unable to be reached causing the Homepage to never load (self-hosted only)​

  • Messaging does not close on session timeout (self-hosted only)


Vulnerabilities Fixed:

  • PenTest 2017: Generated Report Information Disclosure (FedRAMP Due: 2/14/18)


Features Added:

  • Add Alt Info to Scenario Overview Export: Alternative meta-data will be included within the Scenario Overview Excel export

  • Add Cost Import Template in Allocate Exports: Cost data will be exported in an import ready template in both the Allocate Inputs and Allocate Outputs exports. This new template will be included in each export as a new tab. 

  • Add UFR in Compare Scenarios Export: Additional column will be added withint he Compare Scenarios WIWO export to show the amount that was not funded for each Alternative in the scenarios selected. 

  • Copy Alternative

  • Quiet Mode - ability to turn off CRUD events in Allocate.  Can be enabled on/off by instance

  • Clean up Mode - ability to run Cost Profile Clean up utility automatically on Scenario Save.  Can be enabled on/off by instance